Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

East Javanese culture reog ponorogo

This is the traditional dance réog Place Bono political identity is important.
This is known as réog Ponorogo the city.
Theatre of the well-known in Indonesia and foreign tourists.
Regent Holidays Ponorogo réog Grebeg anniversary of the first year may be exposed.
réog full moon night in Central Square Dance paseban Ponorogo.
History provides us with a beautiful princess conflict réog Prince.
Dance 40-25 dancers and musicians.
I wonder if his long life réog Mingxingeba leaders.
Tibetan Mask Dance of the Dragon grandchildren to Hawaii 30-40 pounds, and is based on strength of teeth.
Last réog Kelono Sewandono, Anom Bujang, and the leaders of Jätila including Warok.
The number of visitors from traditional dance Ponorogo, East Java - INDONESIA. This is not the only region in other countries of the dance réog Ponorogo.

Cultural Events Luo fragile Bono, the largest political) Islamic New Year or New Year's suspicion, and often the date of the disclosure (eg, the month of Java. Grebeg phenomenon Suro Bono century culture. Calendar East Java was the calendar Tourism (Calendar), and the promotion part is unknown. Suro generally one week before the local.
First, a series of holiday Grebeg réog, a variety of activities to show a very good game finished AGENDA Lake Ngebel Larungan. This is a statue of an elephant procession, a procession of elephants, and consists of musical heroes. The growth of the statues of a man and two children. Art of Islamic culture.

Islamic art, music and art is the most influential, circumcision and marriage.

Art elements of traditional music and dance together.
In general, dance, gamelan, box art, placed at least 10 people and art is interesting that a large force of basic tools of bamboo.

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